Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Other Enlightenment

The Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin is hosting an exhibition called On the Edge of Reason, which juxtaposes the hyper-rational, scientific, and moralistic Enlightenment with its less appreciated counterpart: the supernatural, pseudo-scientific, and malevolent preoccupations that were inextricably interwoven with more forward looking trends.  One of the many high points of the show is Kant's death mask, a copy of which was apparently owned by founding phrenologist Franz Gall.  Here Kant stares into the face of a phrenological skull reflected in the glass of their shared display case.


  1. "The toilet or the art of scandel" -An essay on Woman

  2. so what does Kant's skull say from a phrenological point of view?
    I would not exaggerate to say that it looks like mine :)

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